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Checking Accounts That Meet Your Needs

We know customers look for checking accounts with just the right features. With Banterra Bank, we offer account options with features that range from earning interest, preventing identity theft to basic essentials or offering a fresh start.  The best part, each account includes digital banking and you can open checking accounts online anytime or simply visit a Banterra Banking Center.

Specialized Checking Accounts

Banterra also offers checking accounts that go beyond what you may find in more traditional accounts. If you need a more specialized account for your checking needs, Banterra has options for you including:

Private Banking Checking

At Banterra, we understand that success often translates to a busy schedule, and we’re here to help you with the challenges that may come with this. That’s why we offer Banterra Private Banking - a suite of products and services including checking that is exclusive to private banking customers, combined with a dedicated Banterra Private Banking Representative to personally help you manage your finance and banking needs.  This service is not currently available in all Banterra locations.  Banterra’s Private Banking product is available in Arizona, Indiana, Missouri, Utah as well as Mt. Vernon, Illinois and Paducah, Kentucky.

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Applicants for Private Banking products are subject to qualification criteria prior to approval/account opening.

Banterra Restart Checking

If you need to get your finances restarted after some financial difficulties, Banterra Restart Checking is the perfect option. This account offers features that allow you to gain control of your finance. In addition to no minimum balance requirements, enjoy free access to Banterra Digital Banking services1, Banterra Visa® Debit Card ($750 merchandise limit and $300 cash limit per day), unlimited ATM/ITM2 transactions (free at Banterra machines) and unlimited check writing.

1Bill Pay, Person-To-Person (P2P) Pay, and Mobile Check Deposit are not included with Digital Banking services.  2ATM includes both automated teller machines and interactive teller machines.

Banterra Restart Basic

If you're looking for a more basic way to restart your finances, take a look at the Banterra Restart Basic account. It offers all the features of the Banterra Restart Checking account except unlimited check writing. Banterra Restart accounts can be transitioned to other checking options as long as your account is in good standing.

SIU Saluki Checking

Banterra is a proud supporter of Southern Illinois University and offers two Saluki checking accounts geared towards Saluki fans and students.

Banterra Saluki Student Checking

Banterra-SIU Saluki Debit Card
  • For customers 25 years or younger1
  • No monthly fee
  • No Banterra ATM/ITM fees at 40+ Banterra ATM/ITMs and 55,000+ Allpoint ATMS worldwide.2
  • No overdraft fees3
  • Only $25 to open account
  • Free Banterra-SIU Saluki Visa® Debit Card with Digital Wallet compatibility
  • Free Digital Banking including online and mobile, with easy-to-use apps tablet and smartphone apps.
  • Transaction activity supports SIU including a Banterra-SIU Scholarship Fund4Banterra-SIU Saluki Check Design
  • Banterra-Saluki checks available to show your Saluki pride5

1 Student account is only available to customers 25 years or younger. At age 26, this account will be converted to Saluki Interest Checking and must meet the normal criteria in order to avoid monthly fee.

2 ATM fees charged by owners/operators of non-Banterra ATMs will be reimbursed on up to eight(8) non-Banterra ATM transactions, or up to $25 per statement cycle. ATM includes both automated teller machines and interactive teller machines. 

3 Overdraft fees will be avoided by Banterra automatically declining any withdrawal or purchase that would be a result in insufficient funds to your account. Customers who prefer to not have these transactions declined can link their account to a Banterra Overdraft Protection funding account; certain restrictions apply.

4 Banterra-SIU Scholarship Fund is facilitated by SIU. To apply or learn more, go to

5 Saluki checks and other check designs are available, prices vary per style.

Banterra Saluki Interest Checking

Banterra-SIU Saluki Debit Card
  • Tiered interest*:
    • $1,000 - $9,999
    • $10,000 - $24,999.99
    • $25,000+
  • $10 monthly fee (Can be waived if conditions are met1)
  • No Banterra ATM/ITM fees at 40+ Banterra ATM/ITMs and 55,000+ Allpoint ATMS worldwide.2
  • Only $100 to open account
  • Free Banterra-SIU Saluki Visa® Debit Card with Digital Wallet compatibility
  • Free Digital Banking including online and mobile, with easy-to-use tablet and smartphone apps
  • Transaction activity supports SIU including a Banterra-SIU Scholarship Fund3Banterra-SIU Saluki Check Design
  • Banterra-Saluki checks available to show your Saluki pride4

* $1,000 minimum balance in the account each day to earn interest.

1 If one of the following items are maintained, a monthly fee of $10 will not be charged: (1)$2,500 minimum daily balance in this account; (2) $5,000 combined average balance in this account, identified checking, savings & money markets, or minimum balance in certificate of deposit (CD) and/or IRAs. The CD minimum balance equals the current balance at the beginning of each statement period; (3) A monthly direct deposit of at least $200 or higher is deposited to this account. Direct deposit needs to be an electronic deposit of your paycheck, pension or government benefits (such as Social Security) from your employer or the government and must be $200 or higher.

2 ATM fees charged by owners/operators of non-Banterra ATMs will be reimbursed on up to eight(8) non-Banterra ATM transactions, or up to $25 per statement cycle. ATM includes both automated teller machines and interactive teller machines. 

3 Banterra-SIU Scholarship Fund is facilitated by SIU. To apply or learn more, go to

4 Saluki checks and other check designs are available, prices vary per style.

Compare Checking Accounts

Banterra SmartChoice Banterra InterestPlus Banterra Green Banterra Restart Banking
ID Protect® Checkmark Icon
Cellular Phone Protection Checkmark Icon
Interest Bearing Checkmark Icon
Free Visa® Debit Card Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
$750 merchandise limit and $300 cash limit per day
Free Digital Banking including online and mobile with easy-to-use iPad & SmartPhone Apps Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
Mobile Check Deposit and Person-To-Person (P2P) Pay not available
Free Online Bill Pay Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
Free Online Statements Checkmark Icon
Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
Checkmark Icon
Free Foreign ATM Transactions No Banterra fee on up to eight (8) non-Banterra ATM transactions per statement cycle; other financial institution fees may apply.
Free Personalized Checks 50% off first box of checks First box of standard checks free; 50% off future orders
Additional Benefits Free paper statements, free cashier's checks and money orders, $200 discount on Banterra mortgage closing costs Banterra Restart Checking includes unlimited check writing; not included with Banterra Restart Basic.
Minimum Opening Balance $100 $1,000 $100 $50
Minimum Balance None $2,500 minimum balance in the account each day to earn interest None None
Monthly Fee $5 $15 $5 $9.95* ($6.95 with direct deposit)
Can Monthly Fee Be Avoided? No Yes Yes No
How Can Monthly Fee Be Avoided? N/A $5,000 minimum daily balance is maintained in this account or $20,000 combined average balance in this account, identified checking, savings & money markets, or minimum balance in certificate of deposit (CD). The CD minimum balance equals the current balance at the beginning of each statement period. Option 1 - $500 daily balance is maintained in this account
Option 2 - A combined average balance in this account, identified checking, savings and money markets, or minimum balance in certificate of deposit (CD) and/or IRAs. The CD minimum balance equals the current balance at the beginning of each statement period.
Option 3 - Two direct deposits are made per statement cycle
Option 4 - Eight (8) Banterra Visa® Debit Card purchases are made per cycle.
Option 5 - Account holder is military, including active duty, reserves, or veterans (with proof of military status).
Option 6 - Account holder is a student (age 24 or younger with proof of student status)
Option 7 - Primary or secondary account holder is age 60 or over
ID Protect® Cellular Phone Protection Interest Bearing Free Visa® Debit Card Free Digital Banking including online and mobile with easy-to-use iPad & SmartPhone Apps Free Online Bill Pay Free Online Statements Free Foreign ATM Transactions Free Personalized Checks Additional Benefits Minimum Opening Balance Minimum Balance Monthly Fee Can Monthly Fee Be Avoided? How Can Monthly Fee Be Avoided?
Banterra SmartChoice Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
50% off first box of checks $100 None $5 No N/A
Banterra InterestPlus Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon No Banterra fee on up to eight (8) non-Banterra ATM transactions per statement cycle; other financial institution fees may apply. First box of standard checks free; 50% off future orders Free paper statements, free cashier's checks and money orders, $200 discount on Banterra mortgage closing costs $1,000 $2,500 minimum balance in the account each day to earn interest $15 Yes $5,000 minimum daily balance is maintained in this account or $20,000 combined average balance in this account, identified checking, savings & money markets, or minimum balance in certificate of deposit (CD). The CD minimum balance equals the current balance at the beginning of each statement period.
Banterra Green Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
$100 None $5 Yes Option 1 - $500 daily balance is maintained in this account
Option 2 - A combined average balance in this account, identified checking, savings and money markets, or minimum balance in certificate of deposit (CD) and/or IRAs. The CD minimum balance equals the current balance at the beginning of each statement period.
Option 3 - Two direct deposits are made per statement cycle
Option 4 - Eight (8) Banterra Visa® Debit Card purchases are made per cycle.
Option 5 - Account holder is military, including active duty, reserves, or veterans (with proof of military status).
Option 6 - Account holder is a student (age 24 or younger with proof of student status)
Option 7 - Primary or secondary account holder is age 60 or over
Banterra Restart Banking Checkmark Icon
$750 merchandise limit and $300 cash limit per day
Checkmark Icon
Mobile Check Deposit and Person-To-Person (P2P) Pay not available
Checkmark Icon Checkmark Icon
Banterra Restart Checking includes unlimited check writing; not included with Banterra Restart Basic.  $9.95* ($6.95 with direct deposit)

*Additional $1 fee for requested paper statements if you elect to use Digital Banking.