Teaching a child about finances is crucial to their success in life. But how do you begin the process of financial education with your children while also making it fun and engaging? Banterra Bank is here to offer some fun savings games for kids so they can get excited about finances!

The Penny Game

While your child may not understand compound interest, this game at least introduces them to the concept. Give your child one penny to start. Tell them you’ll double it every day for ten days. The next day, give them the two pennies and keep that going. You can explain that when they get older, they can put their money into a savings account. The more money they save, the more money they get back because of a word called “interest.” By leaving their money alone and not spending it every month on toys, they can let it grow and get more money back!

Name the Money

When your child is ready, you can have them start naming each bill and coin. This will lead into them saying what each one is worth, how many pennies are in one dollar and so on. Just working with your child on the names and amounts will help build their financial literacy basics while also working on their counting skills! You can use little prizes like candy that your child can win if they are able to answer how many pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters all go into one dollar each. Then switch it up and ask them to combine all the different coins and have it equal one dollar as well!

Pretend Bank

You can pretend to be the bank, or your child can be the bank. They can count money and give it to you out of your savings account or as a loan – or vise versa if you’re the bank. Using fake money or small bills/coins is a great way to introduce your child to the basics of money and banking. You can also let your child count the money and hand it over to the grocery store clerk or waiter when you’re at a restaurant. This helps them feel involved in transactions and shows them the basics of exchanging money.


Once your child is old enough, Monopoly is a great game to play because it teaches them about saving but also about investing and making smart purchasing decisions. It can help your child count money, learn that they will lose the money to buy places, how to charge people who land on their places, and learn about debt if they didn’t keep any money hidden away and spent it all right away.

These games will help increase your child’s financial literacy which will help set them up for success. Plus, you get to spend quality time with your child. If they are ready for a savings account, we’re happy to get them set up so they can begin saving!

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